
All the question types you will ever need

Testportal supports all popular assessment and test question types. Mix and match the ones that best suit your needs.

  Testportal app online quiz question with an image.

Online test maker with a wide variety of options

Choose question types most suitable for your assessment.

Green duotone double check icon.

Self-grading choice questions

Single- and multiple-choice questions that are self-grading and require no review from the test owner.

Green duotone left-aligned verses icon.

Self-grading open-ended questions

Short open-ended questions that are self-grading based on pre-set criteria and require no additional review from the test owner.

Green duotone pencil edit icon.

Descriptive open-ended questions

Open-ended questions test respondents’ ability to provide complex answers. These must be reviewed manually by the test owner.

Make the most of your tests with our question editor

Challenge and engage your respondents with a variety of complex questions. Enrich your tests with audio and video files that grab respondents’ attention.

Use a variety of test attachments: images, videos, audio and pdf files. Spreadsheets and other files can be downloaded, completed by the respondents, and then uploaded as answers.

Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Small Stick
Testportal app view with online test question including an image of a red car.

Complex mathematics, physics, or chemistry assessments made easy with our excellent equation editor.

Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Small Stick
Testportal online test question with a mathematical equation.

Testportal supports assessments in all languages, so it is easy to prepare tests for respondents from around the world.

Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Small Stick
Testportal online test question with a stem and possible answers in Chinese.

Our question editor allows you to use Rich Text Formatting, as well as programming languages.

Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Small Stick
Testportal app view showing an example of a descriptive question.

Make your assessments even more versatile and interesting by adding external content and tools, such as GeoGebra.

Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Small Stick
Testportal online test question with a pythagoras theorem image.

Depending on the complexity of your questions, you can award partial, negative, or bonus points based on your respondents’ performance.

Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Small Stick
Testportal online exam results showing respondent's correct and incorrect answers.
Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Small Stick
Testportal app view with online test question including an image of a red car.

Question categories prompt more insightful results

Assign your questions to different categories to better assess various aspects of the subject. Collect detailed results from various categories to see partial scoring and draw better conclusions from your test results.

Green Decoration
Green Light Decoration
  Testportal app screen showing points per question categories.

Use randomization to improve your assessments

A single set of questions will be available for all of your respondents. This is the most basic option and will suit the majority of your needs. And if you require more, Testportal has amazing additional features for you to explore.

Decide how many questions our advanced algorithms should randomly draw from a predefined list.

Prepare several different versions of your test sets. Each respondent will receive one of them at random.

Need a printed version? We’ve got you covered.

Test sheets

Prepare an online test, then print it for offline use. Your tests can be reused whenever you need them again.

Answers sheet

Save paper when doing offline assessments too. Answer sheets allow you to use the same test sheets as many times as you see fit.

Answers key

The answer key is precisely the same size as the test sheets and allows you to check and grade offline tests.

Yellow Decoration
Purple Decoration
  Testportal app view with test sheet download settings.

Create your first online assessment

Explore Testportal's features and streamline your online assessments. It's on the house. You're welcome.

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Powerful features

Photo of two margherita pizzas on a table.
Photo of a technical drawing and a hand holding a pencil.